"Eatin' After Eden strikes a very healthy balance between exposing deception, promoting the science behind wholesome dietary choices, and imparting Biblical truth."
Taking of this drug during pregnancy "may promote the development of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHA) in children," according to the Complementary Prescriptions Journal (Vol. 28, Issue 7, July 2014).
"In Eatin' After Eden Dr. Zook scripturally, scientifically, and logically brings us back to what our Creator intended: foods that are critical to a powerful and sustaining diet. If only such a book had been available during my seven years as a struggling vegan (convinced as I was that veganism was "God's Ideal Diet"). It would have been more valuable to me than any amount of gold."
Greg Westbrook, MS Nutritionist
"In Eatin' After Eden, Dr. Sylvia Zook translates true science and Biblical teaching into applicable day-to-day guidelines for the modern audience that seeks enhanced health in a fallen world. Many of the premature deaths that befall the western world could be averted if everyone who wanted to bestow the ultimate gift would share copies of this book with friends and family."